The application is a predictive policing tool similar to those used by Dutch law enforcement to assess the likelihood of criminal activity based on facial recognition. By scanning your face, you can see how your facial features align with historical crime data in the Netherlands. Your crime profile will be generated using machine learning algorithms
CategoryData visualisatie
National Museum of World Cultures
This interactive visualization enhances the museum experience by allowing visitors to explore and discover the distribution of objects based on their continent of origin. Visitors can input their preferred subject to see a detailed breakdown of where these items are located within the museum. Additionally, the tool provides information on whether the objects are currently
No2 footprint
This application offers valuable insights into nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels in Amsterdam, allowing users to assess their personal environmental impact. By answering a series of questions, users can estimate their individual NO2 emissions based on lifestyle and activities. Developed in collaboration with KNMI and GGD Amsterdam, this project leverages dataset estimates to provide users with